Evelyn Powers, Owner at Design Powers

Evelyn Powers: Design Powers

Today we are talking with Evelyn Powers, founder and CEO of Design Powers. She is a graduate of the 2016 Leadership Arlington program and winner of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce’s 2020 Best Home-Based Business Award. Evelyn started her website and design company as a graphic designer in 1996 so she could work from home […]

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Marketing and the Election

What Can the Election Coverage Teach You About Marketing? If you are a little bleary-eyed from non-stop election coverage the last couple of days, you are not alone. We have all been doing our fair share of watching the news these past couple of days in between work and family and life. After innumerable hours […]

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Arlington Best Business Award Winner

Arlington Strategy was awarded the 2020 Best Service Small Business of the Year by the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. The Best Business Awards are earned by businesses that deliver exceptional quality of service to their customers, are industry leaders or offer a unique approach to the delivery of its goods or services, and display an […]

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Habitat for Humanity NOVA Case Study: Nonprofit Strategy, Marketing & Communications

“Jennifer and her team at Arlington Strategy came on board with us at a pivotal time. Our marketing staffer had just left, with looming deadlines for major marketing efforts just around the corner. We signed on with Arlington Strategy after interviewing several firms. Their presentation and breadth of services were far and away the best […]

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