"Thank you!" It's obvious, saying thanks to your customers/clients/patients. Or is it? Are you sure you are thanking those who support your business? In a retail setting, say a store or a restaurant, it's common to hear a verbal "thanks for dining...
Good Stuff
You Can Read Our Minds
The ideas don’t stop coming (of course they don’t – we’re marketers). And we have a lot to say (again, the whole marketing thing). Check out some of it here.
The Catch-22 of Budgeting For Effective Marketing
Aug 17, 2015 | Brand Strategy
Part of a series of blog posts that takes a closer look at defining your strategy. Clients often ask us “how much do I need to spend on an effective marketing strategy?” and they are often surprised when we don’t have an off the shelf answer for...
Event Marketing & Management for Energy House 10
Apr 20, 2015 | Latest News
We all have different things that we love here at Arlington Strategy, and, when we were hired by Energy House last fall to manage and execute their next home tour event, I got very excited. I love events. All events. Market and manage a home tour...
Where’s Your ‘Golden Ticket’ Marketing Campaign?
Dec 1, 2015 | Social Media
Willy Wonka is a genius and his golden ticket campaign was brilliant. Chocolate flew off the shelves. Earned media worth millions flooded the airwaves. And the contest dominated social conversation. I can only imagine how much more powerful the...
What’s Your Strategy?
Jun 16, 2015 | Brand Strategy
strat·e·gy ˈstradəjē/ noun: strategy; plural noun: strategies a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. "time to develop a coherent economic strategy" synonyms: master plan, grand design, game plan, pan (or action),...
Tips for Rebranding
Mar 20, 2015 | Brand Strategy
Turning the mirror… internal rebranding (or walking the talk!) We help our clients refine and define their brand all the time but, when we decided to update Arlington Strategy’s website and associated collateral, we realized how daunting the...
5 Signs You Need Help With Marketing
Oct 15, 2015 | Brand Strategy
Part of a series of blog posts that takes a closer look at defining your strategy. Entrepreneur: AKA jack-of-all-trades, AKA wearer-of-a-thousand-hats, AKA superstar. If you are in start up mode, you are working all hours, planning, doing, begging...
Arlington Strategy vs. Mad Men
May 4, 2015 | Latest News
Some of our clients refer to us as their agency, others call us their firm, and some clients call us their consultants. The clients who call us their agency must be fans of Mad Men. This always makes us smile. Like all people “in the business,” we...
Tutoring Club of McLean Case Study: Small Business Growth Strategy, Marketing, Strategic Communications
Jan 16, 2015 | Design
Tutoring Club of McLean June 2012-Current What a wonderful day when I learned of Jennifer and Arlington Strategy through one of my clients! Without question, Jennifer was just what we needed. Her powerful combination of vision, dedication,...