2021 Marketing Trends

It’s 2021, and while not much has really changed since 2020, there are some marketing trends that brands should have on their radar and be ready to tackle as we continue to work remotely and creep back to a new normal.  Virtual Events/Hybrid Events Virtual events are most likely here to stay for 2021 and […]

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Marketing During Phase 1

March 2020 represented one of the quickest and most drastic shifts in online behavior we’ve ever seen, and threw everyone into uncharted waters. How can you ensure that you are making changes that will set your business up for long-term success and not just temporary fixes? One day we will shift from the Reopening Phase […]

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Women Owned Business Day

Meet Jennifer! Founder and CEO of Arlington Strategy                    What were you doing before Arlington Strategy? My career path was not conventional! After graduate school, I spent three years in the Federal Government – in legislative affairs for the Department of Labor. From there, I helped to […]

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Growing a Business is Scary

Trick or treat? BOO! A favorite scene from “The Office” via GIPHY It is fitting that Arlington Strategy is moving into our new offices at Halloween time. And I’m not even talking about our pumpkin orange brand color! Taking office space is pragmatic, symbolic – and a wee bit scary. Arlington Strategy has been in business […]

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