Arlington Strategy CEO to Moderate Marketing Panel | Arlington Strategy

Arlington Strategy CEO to Moderate Marketing Panel at We Thrive Women Entrepreneurs’ Conference

by | Mar 8, 2019 | Latest News | 0 comments

We Thrive FlyerArlington Economic Development and SCORE are holding the We Thrive Women Entrepreneurs’ Conference on March 21st in Arlington, VA. The day-long event will feature keynote speakers, panels of successful women business owners, and breakout learning workshops. Early bird pricing is $150 and includes breakfast, lunch and a networking happy hour.

Arlington Strategy CEO, Jennifer Mulchandani, will be moderating the Marketing Tips & Tools workshop, with panelists Evelyn Powers of Design Powers, Inc., Maritza Lizama of LiMon, LLC, and Romona Foster, a social media trainer and consultant.

For more information, visit

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